Thanks to Grey Horse Matters for sharing these horse questions. Here are my answers where they should be (e.g. not clogging up her comments page! - Just a reflection of my enthusiasm). If you would like to answer the questions, visit Grey Horse Matters to copy them as she's kindly listed them without the answers. So here's a quick history of my horsey life ...
1. How old were you when you first started riding? A few times on my grandmother’s horses when I was 2 or 3(?), then a break until I was seven
2. First horse ridden: A quiet thoroughbred
3. First horse trotted on: a lovely, portly pony, Phantom
4. First horse cantered on: Phantom
5. First Horse fallen off of: Windsor, a feisty Standardbred. I was chatting to someone and he gave a big kick to a horse behind him. Found myself on the ground in front of him (he looked even more astonished than me).
6. Most recent horse fallen off of Windsor. I must have learnt my lesson …
7. Most terrifying fall: surprised and winded rather than terrified.
8. First horse jumped with: Star. Wicked black pony.
9. First horse who ran away with you: Clive. A trail horse. No brakes whatsoever.
10. First horse that scared the crap out of you: Clive. Thought all horses had some sort of brakes!
11. First horse shown :!) Never shown.
12. First horse to win a class with: Never competed. Won best presented pony at a rainy day pony club comp in the barn!
13. Do you/have you taken lessons: Yes, as often as I can afford.
14. First horse you ever rode bareback: Tina – lovely palomino pony with anxiety issues. Got so using a saddle seemed uncomfortable.
15. First horse trail ridden with: Lost in the mists of time …
16. Current Barn name: _
17. Do you ride English or western?: English
18. First Horse to place at a show with: Never shown
19. Ever been to horse camp?: Yes, lots of fun.
20. Ever been to a riding clinic? Only to watch – seen Nadine Capelman, Anky etc.
21. Ridden sidesaddle? Only jokingly.
22. First horse leased: Never leased
23. Last Horse Leased:
24. Highest ribbon in a show: Never shown
25. Ever been to an 'A' rated show?: no
26. Ever competed in pony games/relay races?: at horse camp
27. Ever fallen off at a show 28. Do you ride Hunter/Jumpers?: no
29. Have you ever barrel raced? At horse camp. Unsuccessful.
30. Ever done pole bending?: Yes, very successful due to the fact I was on a tiny pony and everyone else had horses.
31. Favorite gait: canter
32. Ever cantered bareback?: As much as possible, as my pony’s jolting trot was out of the question.
33. Have you ever done dressage?: Take lessons.
34. Have you ever evented?: No. Too scary.
35. Have you ever mucked a stall?: Yes!
36. Ever been bucked off?: No. Oh, but there was a donkey that gave me a good run for my money (much to the amusement of everyone watching – I think they started to lay bets). Luckily he was small enough that I was able to elegantly step off (from my position, half- wrapped around his neck). He was called Joker.
37. Ever been on a horse that reared? Yes, a few, but only with good reasons. (The sudden appearance of an emu, for example)
38. Horses or ponies. Horses are easier. But I think those cunning ponies are great fun.
39. Do you wear a helmet?: Always
40. What's the highest you've jumped: Don’t know. Had my eyes shut. Not really. My teacher kept putting the jump higher and higher, but I was focused well past the jump and tried to avoid looking at it as much as humanly possible.
41. Have you ever ridden at night?: Yes, it’s lovely (unless you’re on the road)
42. Do you watch horsey television shows?: Whenever they’re on
43. Have you ever been seriously hurt/injured from a fall?: No
44. Most falls in one lesson: Never fallen in a lesson. Though have ended up on the horse’s neck a few times with jumping refusals.
45. Do you ride in an arena/ring?: Yes, as well as road and trails
46. Have you ever been trampled by a horse?: No, thank goodness!
47. Have you ever been bitten?: Yes. By a wicked Shetland pony, among others.
48. Ever had your foot stepped on by a horse?: Yes. Ow!
49: Favorite riding moment: Riding in the manege in the light of a full moon – beautiful!
50. Most fun horse you've ridden: A riding school pony - Tina. I used to always ride her bareback. She had the silliest, fast trot and the smoothest canter of any pony or horse I’ve ever ridden. She was very nervous and I felt like I built a very close, trusting relationship with her. We had great fun!
Thanks for playing along. I loved the Emu part. If my guys ever saw one of those, I'm sure I'd be deposited on the ground in a flash.
I thought I'd joined the Spanish Riding School ...
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