Now there's a sentence I never thought I would say ...
The award is for artists making a difference in the blogosphere and its creator is Idaho Daily. In his words:
"We are all artists in our own way, be it art, photography, writing, philosophy, comedy, or blogging, and we all go a little crazy sometimes. But if you ever feel so crazy to cut off your ear and give it to a prostitute, "Seek Help"! Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else."
I'd like to pass on this award to bridbird.blogspot.com for her beautiful bird images and her obvious dedication to art.
I would also like to award an Ear to James at http://beyondthecall.wordpress.com/
This may be a little controversial as he is my husband! And yet sometimes being close to another person gives you an insight on how much integrity and depth their work has.
James is helping to remind the artists among us that one of the most valuable tasks an artist can do is to demonstrate the absolute universality of the underworld journey, and to show us how the path downwards (through our own struggles and losses) can lead us up to a place of new and unexpected joy.
hi ophelia, thankyou so much for van gogh's ear! i know imeadiately who i must pass it on to, my friend anna who started me blogging, who i met via the internet.
the funny thing is i just came across your business card in my studio today!
keep well,
bridget x
Nothing like synchronicity!
I'd love to see Anna's site.
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