Monday, July 25, 2011

rearranging my drawings and going off on tangents ...

Well, now the Tour de France is over (go Cadel!) I can turn my mind to other things - like rearranging the house! It's a never ending struggle to find space for artwork - especially when your husband is an artist too. I guess the solution is a 'retrospective', or at least a large ebay art shop. It's better to think of your work being enjoyed than hidden. But the fact is that most drawings and paintings in the world are stowed away out of sight. I like to think of it as my imaginary stable of horses ... except you can fit at least fifty in the one drawer. They'll eventually find homes. Until that time - it's intensive stabling and very occasional turnout.
It's funny the things you find and the trains of thought that are set off when you're moving house - or rearranging in a big way. I was thinking of writing and illustrating a children's story on pegasus. I forgot until I went through all my drawings. So there's another project to do.
The Bellerophon and Pegasus story is pretty intriguing. Pegasus was born from the blood that fell from the severed head of the snake-haired Medusa. Funny that something so lovely was imagined being born from a monster. But they do say that Medusa was the most beautiful girl in the world before she was changed by a jealous goddess. That's another story! And that's just one of the many tangents that tidying up has created in my brain ...

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